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Idaho Energy Resiliency Grant Program

The Idaho Energy Resiliency Grant Program Application Period will be opening soon. Subscribe to our newsletter for updates.

The Idaho Energy Resiliency Grant Program (ERGP) fosters strategic investments that demonstrate measurable improvements to grid resiliency, deliver modernized grid infrastructure, and mitigate risks from increased electrification and disruptive events. Funding for this round of the ERGP is available to electric grid operators, electricity storage operators, electricity generators, transmission owners and operators, distribution providers, and fuel suppliers as a subaward pursuant to Section 40101(d) of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (“BIL”) – Preventing Outages and Enhancing the Resilience of the Electric Grid Formula Grants to States and Indian Tribes. Through a combination of state and federal funds, OEMR will build upon the prior success of the ERGP and once again leverage public funds to spur private investments for the benefit of customers and Idaho’s economy.

Energy Resiliency Grant Program Award Amounts

Avista | $230,000.00
Underground approximately 1/2 mile of overhead feeder trunk line that serves over 500 customers in a high fire threat district. 

City of Bonner’s Ferry | $233,000.00
Upgrade controls system at the Moyie Dam Powerhouses and Moyie Substation to allow the city to maintain continuous, reliable power. 

Clearwater Power Company | $2,000,000.00
Contract with AI satellite company to identify vegetation conditions in Clearwater Power’s right of way, followed by vegetation management starting with the most urgent areas identified. 

Clearwater Power Company | $349,864.00
Purchase protective relay fire mitigation upgrade and assesses, purchases unmanned aircraft system for advanced aerial inspection, and purchases air core reactor replacement and spare.

Clearwater Power Company | $820,000.00
Replace 50 aging reclosers with non-oil dielectric counterparts capable of modern protection and communication functions, upgrade CPC’s Operations Center to accommodate communication and interface with new reclosers, and install a redundant automation controller to eliminate the single point-of-failure condition of the existing control interface.

Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative | $20,757.00
Widen a section of FRE’s transmission line easement through a heavily wooded area in Island Park from Mack’s Inn to the Pond’s Lodge substation to decrease the risk of wildfire caused by trees coming in contact with the line.

Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative | $439,136.00
Underground 1 mile of overhead distribution power lines and encases 400 transmission line poles with fire-retardant mesh within or near the Caribou-Targhee National Forest.

Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative | $43,034.09
Rebuild the 3-phase line on 4000 North with larger conductor to create a reliable loop feed so in the event of an outage, FRE will be able to have an alternate feeder from Driggs to Tetonia.

Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative | $23,662.24
Upgrade substation remote terminal units, add communication/control functionality to 50% of substation regulators, and install new remote control SCADA software.

Idaho Falls Power | $1,300,000.00
Underground 2,500 feet of power lines in the Idaho Falls downtown area and converting secondary wire underground. 

Idaho Falls Power | $221,986.15
Underground an overhead power line that no longer meets current National Electric Safety Code standards and serves law enforcement, first responders, local government buildings, and businesses. 

Idaho Power Company | $1,499,084.50
Deploy a full Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS) to increase operational visibility of the distribution system and provide enhanced monitoring and control for operators, including fault locating, isolation and system restoration, automated switch order management and distributed generation management.

Idaho Power Company | $150,000.00
Conduct a program to determine the viability of an artificial intelligence program using satellite and aerial imagery to reduce wildfire risk.

Idaho Power Company  | $2,000,000.00
Underground 4 miles of power lines and rebuilds 2 miles of overhead facilities in Pocatello. 

Idaho Power Company | $250,000.00
Install fire mesh wrap on 750 poles in Butte, Blaine, and Bannock counties; in addition to the 898 poles Idaho Power Company is wrapping independently of the grant. 

Lower Valley Energy | $625,816.00
Underground 10 miles of power lines in Bonneville County near two campgrounds, which have steep terrain and dense forest cover. 

Northern Lights, Inc. | $1,543,542.00
Underground 33,000 feet of overhead distribution power lines as well as undergrounds services to homes in Bonners Ferry. 

Northern Lights, Inc. | $48,240.00 
Install satellite imaging technology for vegetation management to enable targeting of reduction areas needed to reduce wildfire hazards around powerlines.

Rocky Mountain Power | $253,535.83 
Replace 30 transmission poles with distribution under build and reframes 24 poles and insulators on the Rigby-Rexburg 69 kV transmission line to improve system reliability, line weatherization, and grid resiliency during high wind events.

Salmon River Electric Cooperative | $135,038.95
Procure a masticator for incorporation into regular ROW maintenance to further harden distribution lines against tree and vegetation events caused by wildfire, snow, wind, and extreme cold events.    

Salmon River Electric Cooperative | $46,669.00
Install fire-retardant mesh wrapping to power poles in established high threat wildfire zones.

United Electric Cooperative | $20,000.00
Install Advanced Feeder Relay Protection technology on equipment that serves 7 distribution feeders in Minidoka County. 

United Electric Cooperative | $40,000.00
Install Advanced Feeder Relay Protection technology on equipment that serves 12 distribution feeders in Cassia County. 

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