In February of 2009, former Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter established the Idaho Strategic Energy Alliance (ISEA) to enable the development of a sound energy portfolio that emphasizes the importance of an affordable, reliable, and secure energy supply. Idaho’s energy portfolio includes diverse energy resources and production methods, which continues to provide the highest value to the citizens of Idaho and maintains the integrity of the state’s natural resources.
In October 2020, Governor Brad Little continued the Idaho Strategic Energy Alliance (ISEA) through Executive Order 2020-18. ISEA is tasked with advising and providing information to elected officials, stakeholders, and the public on the economically, efficient development of the state’s energy resources that maintains the integrity of Idaho’s natural resources. ISEA’s Board of Directors and various Task Forces will encourage a dialogue that will:
ISEA Commitments:
- Increase awareness and understanding of Idaho’s diverse energy resources;
- Increase awareness of cost-effective energy efficiency and conservation opportunities within Idaho;
- Improve cooperation, collaboration and communication among Idaho’s public and private-sector entities in the areas of energy efficiency, conservation, and affordable and sustainable energy development;
- Provide a forum to showcase Idaho’s new and innovative energy technologies.
The ISEA consists of a Board of Directors and Task Forces. The structure was developed to create an opportunity for a wide variety of our in-state energy experts to assist the state in developing achievable and effective recommendations for improving the energy future of Idaho.
- Board of Directors – The Board of Directors (Board), including the Chair and Vice Chair are designated by and serve at the pleasure of the Office of the Governor and is comprised of members of the Governor’s Cabinet, representatives from Idaho stakeholders, and industry experts. The Board is governed by an Executive Committee consisting of the Chair, Vice Chair, and the Administrator of the Office of Energy and Mineral Resources.
- The Board establishes, makes assignments to, and provides guidance to Task Forces for development of energy-related analyses, studies, and other activities. The Board assesses the work products from these Task Forces in order to provide a fact-based objective review and recommendations for policy makers, the public, and industry regarding energy issues in Idaho.
- Task Forces – Task Forces are established by the Board and populated by experts who provide the range of capabilities and expertise needed to undertake assignments from the Board including development of energy-related analyses, studies, recommendations; evaluation of potential opportunities, risks, and benefits for Idaho’s future energy portfolio; and other activities.
- Task Force members provide unbiased, referenced, and defensibly accurate information to share with stakeholders and the public. Task Force members are approved by the Board.
Organization Chart
Board Title: |
Name: |
Organization: |
Chairman | Todd Combs | Idaho National Laboratory |
Vice-Chair | Eric Anderson | Idaho Public Utilities Commission |
Member | Vacant | Northwest Power and Conservation Council |
Member | Vacant | Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses |
Member | Jared Ellsworth | Idaho Power |
Member | Dick Garlish | Rocky Mountain Power |
Member | Bear Prairie | Idaho Falls Power |
Member | Will Hart | Idaho Consumer-Owned Utilities Association |
Member | Lori Blattner | Intermountain Gas |
Member | Collins Sprague | Avista Corporation |
Member | Alan Prouty | Simplot |
Member | Suzanne Budge | SBS Associates |
Member | Greg Green | Micron |
Member | Richard Stover | Idaho Office of Energy and Mineral Resources |
Task Force Reports
- Alternative Fuels Task Force Report
- Reliability and Resiliency Task Force Report
- Utility-scale Storage Task Force Report
Task Force Energy Fact Sheets
Board Meetings
September 20 – Announcement / Minutes
May 5 – Announcement / Minutes
March 15 – Announcement / Minutes
February 10 – Announcement /Minutes